Donating to NTM Patient Care UK helps us continue our work in providing information, resources and support to NTM Patients in the UK.

NTM Patient Care UK has received funding from Insmed Limited to assist with the start-up and development of our patient association for which we thank them. A requirement of the grant is that we ensure all work associated with it is performed objectively and free-from pharmaceutical industry influence. This funding does not determine NTM Patient Care UK activities.


Make a donation.

We’re a charity registered in England and Wales with charity number 1181372

To provide support to NTM patients now and in the future, we need your help today.

Donate now and you can help us deliver the following;

  • NTM-focussed education for both NTM patients and healthcare professionals.

  • Attendance at relevant events to raise the profile of both NTM and the patient association itself (NTM Patient Care UK), within both the patient and healthcare communities.

  • NTM-based webinars and online support for patients.

  • Local NTM support teams.

  • Website development and maintenance.

  • Support for research specifically relevant to NTM and NTM patients.

  • Other priorities identified by our working group of NTM patients.

Please note: We can currently only accept donations to NTM Patient Care UK via PayPal. However, we are working on offering other payment options (such as credit card etc) and will hopefully be able to offer additional donation options soon.

If you would like to make a donation to the charity via bank transfer then please feel free to contact us via and we can assist with this.
